Natural Born Blogger

Thursday, March 02, 2006

30 Boxes... LISTEN TO ME

Hopefully, this is not yet another lost cause in the long line that is lost causes for me.

Lost Cause 1:

Gmail- fantastic mail client, love it, wouldn't trade it. Can't get a f#@king person to sign up for it. Correction. I got one person to do it, and he was already extremely computer savvy. Now, I'm simply sick of trying to help make people's lives more technologically enjoyable.

Lost Cause 2:

Flikr: Mentioned in passing the other day to my girlfriend that Flikr would be great for her dad. He keeps sending 20MB emails (HELLO, see gmail above) filled with picutres. Why not simply get a Flikr account and upload the photos, send the url, and Boom! done. I was ignored. It's okay, I still love you. But, because I truly believe I am smarter than everyone else, here's another long list of reasons to use Flikr: IT'S FREE, Share with who you want and not who you don't, upload pictures by sending an email to your Flikr account, IT'S FREE, IT'S FREE, IT'S FREE!

Lost Cause 3:

T-Mobile: I have had T-Mobile for at least 4 years now. I have nothing but good things to say about this company. Great service! Never had a problem with customer service. Etc. Etc. I have lots of horrible things to say about Sprint. Hate them. If I had $40K lying around, I'd spend it on a billboard that said "Sprint Sux Ass." Too bad I'm not rich. Yet, people I know keep signing up or renewing contracts with this piece of crap provider and then bitch about it.

So I thought, hey, why not 4 lost cause. What the hell do I have to lose now. Again, remember that I am right, and eventually you will see this.

30Boxes is great! I'm feeling pretty good about this, because I have one convert already. Once again this is a FREE service! I'm not going to list out every single feature of this program. Basically, it's a free web-based calender program. Oh, but it's so much more than that. Share your calender with people you specify, download it to Outlook, syndicate for the whole freakin' world, tag events to make them easier to find. The list goes on and on.

I'm only gonna say this once. If you can't find a use for this great FREEEEEEE service, you have no life.


My son has had the flu this week, and while he is currently much better, he's in this chest cold phase. Which also wouldn't be that bad either, except for the small problem of puking up snot from coughing so much. Yep. Ya heard me. . . puke and snot in the same sentence. Even better, I put my hand in the big spot of it on the bedspread. Poor guy. I really feel for him. It sucks being sick at 5 years old. Illness completely confuses him.

Sadly, I understand that for many the previous paragraph sounds vile. But, for those who have children, I'd image they didn't even flinch. In fact, they're probably eating some Moo Shu Pork and didn't even stop to contemplate the possible parallels. That's one of the benefits of children. Your tolerance for disgust goes through the roof. You name it: blood, piss, shit, vomit. My reply: yep, I've had it on me or had to clean it off him.

I really think this is why conservative republicans and right-wing religious zealots don't disgust me as much any more. . . Tolerance. Five years of cleaning up bodily fluids and miraculously Rush Limbaugh doesn't seem quite so vile.

So, thanks Nicholas for puking on me. It has made my days less stressful and given me the power to say "hmm. that fat ass conservative is not as disgusting as getting puked on." I appreciate it.

All of this and it's my birthday too!

Thought of the day: "Come and get the big bad wolf!"