Natural Born Blogger

Thursday, March 02, 2006


My son has had the flu this week, and while he is currently much better, he's in this chest cold phase. Which also wouldn't be that bad either, except for the small problem of puking up snot from coughing so much. Yep. Ya heard me. . . puke and snot in the same sentence. Even better, I put my hand in the big spot of it on the bedspread. Poor guy. I really feel for him. It sucks being sick at 5 years old. Illness completely confuses him.

Sadly, I understand that for many the previous paragraph sounds vile. But, for those who have children, I'd image they didn't even flinch. In fact, they're probably eating some Moo Shu Pork and didn't even stop to contemplate the possible parallels. That's one of the benefits of children. Your tolerance for disgust goes through the roof. You name it: blood, piss, shit, vomit. My reply: yep, I've had it on me or had to clean it off him.

I really think this is why conservative republicans and right-wing religious zealots don't disgust me as much any more. . . Tolerance. Five years of cleaning up bodily fluids and miraculously Rush Limbaugh doesn't seem quite so vile.

So, thanks Nicholas for puking on me. It has made my days less stressful and given me the power to say "hmm. that fat ass conservative is not as disgusting as getting puked on." I appreciate it.

All of this and it's my birthday too!

Thought of the day: "Come and get the big bad wolf!"


At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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You never email me anymore :(

So, you should! PS... T-Mobile does suck.


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